Hello friends,
Here is a long over due update! Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
As we sail through maintenance, we’ve faced some minor hiccups and bouts of sicknesses, but thankfully nothing major. I don’t know how much of the classic “middle child” drama is true, but we have a saying in our house, “if somethings going to happen, it’s going to happen to Lydia.” Poor thing.
She managed to step on a rusty nail which landed us in the ER on a Thursday night. That required a tetanus shot + antibiotics to be safe. Then she ended up with an Upper Respiratory Infection and was put on antibiotics again. Shortly after that, she tested positive for RSV and wasn’t able to get her schedule Lumbar Puncture + chemo due to her cough and her team not wanting to put her under because of that. She also has asthma so any cough she gets really affects her. It seems like the cough is finally getting better. Thank God.
Aside from all that, she has had a good time getting back into the swing of things. School has started back up, she’s more active in church activities again, and we are able to carefully do more things outside the house. She is definitely loving that!
I can’t believe it’s October. The beginning of September 2023 started with a suspicion of illness with Lydia. I thought her symptoms resembled Mono. But deep down I couldn’t shake this feeling something was very wrong. I will forever be grateful to her doctor who listened to a mother’s concern, took me seriously, and ordered blood work straightway. I’m also forever grateful to the 2 people who urged us to get her checked out sooner rather than later and you know who you all are. This could be a very different story had we waited. October 16th is the 1 year anniversary of her diagnosis day. That is also the day we go in for blood work & the following day for her rescheduled lumbar puncture.
This is definitely emotional for me. You know that feeling you felt when life kind of normalized after COVID and you realized that it basically took 2 years of your life from you? Well, that’s how I feel about cancer. Lydia was 7, very much still a baby full of innocence, and cancer forced her to experience things no child should go through. I definitely feel like it robbed us of her life. Life was forever changed- and so was she. The emotional journey we would go on, the changes in her physical appearance, the changes to daily life. It was all overwhelming. And yet God saw us through this immensely difficult journey. Here we are, almost one year later and God has watched over Lydia. He’s given her healing so far and we give Him the praise and glory for that. We are so thankful for her team of Doctors and Nurses who have cared for her this past year. We’ve felt the love and care from this new group of people who definitely feel like extended family now. I know not every hospital experience has been great, but overall we believe we are doing what’s best for her and are extremely happy with the care she’s received so far.
Lydia is still in remission. Praise God! Please keep praying she stays there.
๐ Honestly I don’t know if I will ever feel safe again…I think that the fear of her cancer coming back will always be there, but I think as time goes on, it might not be as prominent in my mind as it is now. (And all the medication & chemicals that has gone thorough her little body- who knows the long term effects from that ?!) I will keep trusting my Lord for peace that only he can give during times of uncertainty.
Sorry for the long update, but sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted one.
In summary…
– Lydia continues with daily chemo & other medications at home
– She continues with IV chemo every 3 months
– She continues with lumbar punctures every 3 months (reminder that is checking her spinal fluid for cancer cells & injecting chemo directly into her spinal fluid as a precaution, if the cancer penetrates that barrier, it is very serious and the prognosis is much worse.)
– Her upcoming genetic testing in November (prayers for favorable results)
– We are looking forward to 12.21.25 when she will, Lord willing, be ringing that bell๐ – signifying the end of her cancer treatment!!!
Thank you again for those who continue to pray, support, and care for Lydia and our family. We truly appreciate it.