Lydia was able to receive an infusion yesterday. The goal is to give her immune system a boost to further prevent infection. We were waiting for approval from insurance to deem it medically necessary, and thankfully she was able to get it approved. She did well during the infusion. They give her Benadryl to help prevent any possible allergic reaction. She slept through the whole 3 hour process and praise the Lord she didn’t have any negative effects.
As for now, we are picking up where we left off. Getting ready for another Lumbar puncture + chemotherapy soon.
Please continue to pray for healing for this sweet girl. She had a bad experience in the emergency room last week getting her iv and blood work done and it’s caused her to fear that process even more than she already does. However, she is such a brave, sweet, and sometimes spicy little girl. We love Lydia so much and we are thankful for the blessings God has done through this all so far.
How to pray-
-Remaining mouth sores to heal
-The chemo would not cause any new sores
-comfort and peace when she gets her iv accessed & de-accessed.
Answers to prayers-
-The chemo is doing its job thus far
-She was able to receive the necessary medication to help her immune system
Thank you all again so much for keeping up with these updates and for your continued prayer.
We appreciate it so much.