Happy New Year! Lydia had her first round of chemo in the new year yesterday. Her levels showed her antibodies were low and she will need an infusion (donated plasma) to help boost her immune system. It’s pretty costly so they are submitting it for insurance approval now. This is the second round of chemo in this stage Interim Maintenance 1 (IM1) and she had a headache and stomach after. She also doesn’t have much of an appetite (quite the opposite of the induction phase.) Food she obsessed over and now food she can’t stand. I think we’ve ruined applesauce for her for ever. Since she has to use that to take most of her medications.
God is so good. We see his hand of protection and blessing all around us.
Lydia is doing well, all things considered. She’s a pretty happy child and she does get scared and nervous often. She overheard my conversation about her antibodies being low and it puts her at risk for infection. (Her body being her own worst enemy type of thing) and she cried and asked if she was going to die. That was the first time she has asked that. And it had to be while I’m driving on I-4, I wanted to pull over and hug this sweet girl right then and there…but it’s I-4, and I try to get out of there ASAP.
I did tell her that the Doctors are taking care of her the best they know how to. I told her no one is guaranteed their next breath, not healthy people, not cancer patients, not anyone. I pray to God that he will heal her and all those precious children we see in the clinic. And I’m so thankful we have hope after death.
Death is not a topic people like to talk about understandably so. I’m thankful for the shed blood of Jesus Christ, he paid the penalty for sin, so we wouldn’t have to. He died for the whole world and took our sin upon him. Through his death, burial, and resurrection he lives and through that we can trust in him to save us so we can have eternal life through Him. My hope, Lydia’s hope, and I pray your hope is in Jesus.